
Guidelines for Principal Investigators

Thank you for using PEARS! PEARS supports the following key features:

  • On-line review/download safety reports and ethics submission documents
  • Electronic endorsement on ethics submission documents
  • Easy online tracking system
  • Paperless
  • Shortening the turnaround time for safety report submission

Create Account

Our PEARS Administrator will create a study record at PEARS when your study is approved by the Research Ethics Committee ("REC"). If you do not have a PEARS account, we will contact you right away.

Email Alert

PEARS is linked to your email account. When the ethics submission documents are ready for your review and endorsement, an auto-email alert will reach you.

Review and Endorse Submission Documents

Simply login to PEARS and you will know which documents are pending for your endorsement.


Currently, PEARS only creates user account for Principal Investigator ("PI") of the study. Therefore, PI is the only person who could e-sign the ethics submission documents.

User Manual

Please click here to view the user manual for principal investigators.


For enquiries about PEARS, you may contact our PEARS Administrator via: email at or phone at (852) 3910 3043 / 3910 3046.